Archive for November 21st, 2008

Ayn Rand’s Canadian friends

November 21, 2008



THE CBC led by Pastor Mansbridge caught Steve Harper and Finance Minister Flaherty out on Wednesday Nov 19. They showed clips of both saying “Never” to deficit spending.The neocon movement had even spooked Jack Layton into making the same ridiculous promise. Might as well tell people with mortgages to cease and desist.Same principle. It shows you how far the political climate has changed in the world.

Now that supply economics has been shown up for what it is and Friedman and Greenspan have egg over their Ayn Rand faces, even true believers Flaherty the architect of Ontario PM Mike Harris’s brutal attack on the common good and Oil Patch Harper have had to eat crow.

And now this—Kevin Page, the new Parliamentary Budget Officer, concludes that the federal Conservatives are likely to run budget deficits “in the near term,” possibly beginning this year, and that the fault lies as much with Flaherty as it does with the weak economy.

Why? it is not the weakened economy.

 Page says the deterioration of the federal government’s financial picture in the first nine months of 2008 is not so much the result of the weakened economy as Flaherty’s policies, particularly the latest reduction in the GST tax and reduced corporate income taxes. This has caused federal revenues to decline by $353 million in the first nine months of this year.

Would they love to have that GST money back as well as those ridiculous tax breaks to the richest people in this land.